Security Guard / Sekuriteitsbeampte
Ligpos (Pty) Ltd
Pretoria, Gauteng
Posted 27 February 2025

Job Details

Job Description

Arbeidsveld: Sekuriteit en Beskerming

Kort Beskrywing van die Pos:

Is jy op soek na 'n uitdagende en dinamiese loopbaan in die sekuriteitsbedryf? Ons soek betroubare, gemotiveerde en professionele sekuriteitsbeamtes vir 'n nuwe sekuriteitsmaatskappy. Die ideale kandidate sal eiendom, mense en besittings beskerm, sowel as die handhawing van veiligheid en orde op die perseel. Ons benodig sekuriteitsbeamtes van alle grade, van instapvlak tot gesertifiseerde leiers. Ervaring en kwalifikasies sal afhang van die posisie wat gevul moet word.

Pospligte en Sleutelwerksaamhede:

  • Beskerm eiendom en fasiliteite
  • Monitering en patrollering van persele
  • Identifiseer potensiële veiligheidsrisiko’s en implementeer voorkomende maatreëls
  • Toegangsbeheer en inspeksie van personeel en besendinge
  • Rekordhouding van insidente, verslae en oortredings
  • Samewerking met polisie en ander relevante owerhede indien nodig
  • Kommunikasie met kliënte en ander belanghebbendes om 'n veilige omgewing te verseker

Kritiese Vereistes:

  • Geregistreer by PSIRA (Indien nie geregistreer nie, kan die pos nie beklee word nie)
  • Intreevlak posisie: Kort Graad C kwalifikasie
  • Ervaring is afhangend van die posisie (Intreevlak posisies benodig geen ervaring nie)
  • Eie vervoer en selfoon (afhangende van die pos)
  • Goeie kommunikasie- en mensevaardighede
  • Betroubaarheid, integriteit en 'n sterk werksetiek
  • Bereid om buigsame ure te werk, insluitend naweke en vakansiedae

Voordelige Vereistes:

  • Ervaring in sekuriteit of ‘n verwante veld
  • Eerstehulp- en brandbeskermingsopleiding
  • Leierskap- en spanbestuursvaardighede
  • Rekenaargeletterdheid
  • Geldige bestuurslisensie
  • Vuurwapen lisensie, kwalifikasies en vaardighede


  • Werk in verskeie afdelings en omgewings
  • Werk op roosters, insluitend naweke en vakansiedae
  • Fisiese aktiwiteit en patrollering kan nodig wees
  • Goeie werk-privaat lewe balans word bevorder

Vergoeding en Belonings:

  • Mededingende maandelikse salaris
  • Voordele soos gesondheidsversekering en pensioenplanne (afhangend van die pos)
  • Bonusse en kommissie vir behaal van sekuriteitsdoelwitte (vir senior posisies)
  • Vergoeding gebaseer op ervaringsvlak en posgradering


  • Daar is potensiaal vir bevordering en loopbaanontwikkeling binne die maatskappy
  • Opleidingsgeleenthede om jou vaardighede en sertifikate te verbeter

Opleiding en Ondersteuning:

  • Deurlopende opleiding afhangende van die werkperseel en posisie
  • Sekuriteitsopleiding, eerstehulp en brandbeskerming waar nodig
  • Ondersteuning deur ons span om jou te help om jou volle potensiaal te bereik

Spesifieke Inligting:

  • Indiensneming begin: Dadelik
  • Duur van kontrak: Afhangend van die pos
  • Kennisgewing tydperk: 30 dae
  • Werksplek: Verskeie persele, afhangende van die posisie


Alle kandidate wat gekies word, moet bereid wees om ‘n sekuriteitsklaringsproses te ondergaan. Hierdie pos is beskikbaar vir alle kwalifikasies en grade, van intreevlak (Graad C) tot gesertifiseerde sekuriteitsbeamtes.

Doen aansoek deur op die aansoekknoppie hieronder te druk en nie deur WhatsApp of E-pos nie.  Daar sal ook die plek wees waar u al u dokumentasie kan plaas.  Moet dit asseblief nie in WhatsApp of e-pos plaas nie.


Job Field: Security and Protection

Short Job Description:

Are you looking for a challenging and dynamic career in the security industry? We are seeking reliable, motivated, and professional security officers for a new security company. Ideal candidates will protect property, people, and assets, as well as maintain safety and order on the premises. We require security officers of all levels, from entry-level to certified leaders. Experience and qualifications will depend on the position to be filled.

Job Duties and Key Responsibilities:

  • Protect property and facilities
  • Monitor and patrol premises
  • Identify potential security risks and implement preventative measures
  • Access control and inspection of personnel and shipments
  • Record keeping of incidents, reports, and violations
  • Cooperation with police and other relevant authorities if necessary
  • Communication with clients and other stakeholders to ensure a safe environment

Essential Requirements:

  • Registered with PSIRA (If not registered, the position cannot be filled)
  • Entry-level position: Minimum Grade C qualification
  • Experience is dependent on the position (Entry-level positions require no experience)
  • Own transport and cellphone (depending on the position)
  • Good communication and interpersonal skills
  • Reliability, integrity, and a strong work ethic
  • Willingness to work flexible hours, including weekends and public holidays

Advantageous Requirements:

The following requirements are not necessary for the position but will improve your chances of being considered or the level of the position you may be placed in.

  • Experience in security or a related field
  • First aid and fire safety training
  • Leadership and team management skills
  • Computer literacy
  • Valid driver's license
  • Firearm license, qualifications, and skills

Working Conditions:

  • Work in various departments and environments
  • Work on rotating shifts, including weekends and public holidays
  • Physical activity and patrolling may be required
  • A good work-life balance is promoted

Compensation and Rewards:

  • Competitive monthly salary
  • Benefits such as health insurance and pension plans (depending on the position)
  • Bonuses and commission for achieving security targets (for senior positions)
  • Remuneration based on experience level and job grading


  • There is potential for promotion and career development within the company
  • Training opportunities to improve your skills and certifications

Training and Support:

  • Ongoing training depending on the workplace and position
  • Security training, first aid, and fire safety where necessary
  • Support from our team to help you reach your full potential

Specific Information:

  • Employment start: Immediately
  • Contract duration: Depends on the position
  • Notice period: 30 days
  • Workplace: Various premises, depending on the position


All selected candidates must be willing to undergo a security clearance process. This position is available for all qualifications and grades, from entry-level (Grade C) to certified security officers.

Apply by clicking the application button below and not via WhatsApp or email. There will also be a place where you can upload all your documentation. Please do not send this via WhatsApp or email.